Russian monkeypox vaccine will be effective against all strains

22 August 2024

GxP news

The vaccine against monkeypox, developed by scientists at the National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Honorary Academician N.F. Gamaleya of the Ministry of Health Russia (Gamaleya Center) will provide broad protection against all strains of the disease, as well as smallpox, according to Alexander Gintsburg, the Center’s director.

“It will have [protection] against the entire spectrum of strains, I will even say more – it should have protective protection against smallpox, because there is a 97-98% kinship,” Gintsburg said.

It has been reported that the Gamaleya Center has successfully developed a preventive drug for monkeypox (mpox), and the research for creating the vaccine has reached its final stages.



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