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Website Terms and Conditions of Use (User Agreement)

This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) defines the terms and conditions of use of the information, materials and services on the website of NovaMedica Limited Liability Company, address: 125124, 18, 3rd Yamskogo Polya street, Moscow, Taxpayer’s Individual Number (INN) 7718886050, Primary State Registration Number (OGRN)1127746365119 (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”), hosted on the Internet at: https://novamedica.com (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”) (hereinafter also referred to as the “Website Terms and Conditions of Use”).

In this Agreement, a User is understood to mean any individual – an Internet user who actually uses the Website or its individual services or functions in any way.

Please do not use the Website if you do not agree to the terms and conditions set out below.

Important warning

The Website is intended for an adult audience (for people over the age of 18), as well as for healthcare and pharmaceutical professionals and certain individuals who need information about the Company or the Company’s products. The Company does not intentionally collect any information about children.

No information contained on the Website or provided through the Website may be used for self-diagnosis or self-treatment, is not and may not be interpreted as medical advice and is not a substitute for a consultation with your doctor.

Please bear it in mind that any drug, method of prevention, diagnosis or treatment, information about which may be published on the Website, has contraindications.

Certain medications can only be used by prescription of a healthcare professional. Before prescribing or using any medication, it is necessary to read the patient information leaflet or to consult a healthcare professional. Before using or applying any methods of prevention, diagnosis or treatment, it is necessary to consult a healthcare professional.

The Website, as well as the information contained or mentioned on it, are intended solely for information.

The Website may contain forward-looking statements that are based on current assumptions and forecasts with respect to the Company’s activities. The Company is not responsible for updating these forward-looking statements or for their consistency with future events or development of the Company.

1. General Terms and Conditions

1.1. The use of the Website is regulated by this Agreement. The use of the Website means that the User unconditionally accepts this Agreement and its terms and conditions; in case the User does not accept these terms and conditions, the User must refrain from using the Website and its services.

1.2. Any development or modification of, or addition to, the Website is the subject of this Agreement. The Company may unilaterally change the terms and conditions of this Agreement at any time without any special notification to the User. The new version of the Agreement with amendments will come into force at the time of its publication on the Website, unless otherwise provided for by the new version of the Agreement.

1.3. Messages regarding the operation of the Website or its individual services and functions may be sent via the feedback form on the Website.

1.4. Registration is not required to visit most sections of the Website, and the User may use the Website without identifying himself or herself.

1.5. The Website collects information during the User’s visit to the Website to accumulate use statistics and analyze effectiveness and to personalize and adjust interaction, as well as to improve its products and services using cookie files.

2. User Data

2.1. Certain services and functions of the Website may only be used upon the following conditions:

(1) the User consents to the processing of his or her personal data,

(2) the User has read and agrees with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and with the Privacy Policy on the processing of personal data of visitors to the NovaMedica LLC website.

2.2. The processing of the personal data provided by the User when using the Website or its individual services or functions is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Privacy Policy on the processing of personal data of visitors to the website of NovaMedica LLC in compliance with the confidentiality requirements and ensuring security of personal data.

2.3. The Company does not verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by the User when using the Website or its individual services or functions, and does not assess the User’s legal capacity. When processing the provided data, the Company assumes that the User has provided reliable and sufficient personal information.

3. Information Used on the Website

3.1. All rights to the Website and to the use of the network address (domain name) novamedica.com belong to the Company.

3.2. The Website, as well as the information contained or mentioned on it, serve solely for information. The information posted on the Website is intended solely for the purpose of presenting the Company, its products and services. The components of the Website are presented “as is”.

3.3. Any materials posted on the Website are intellectual property items (subject to copyright or related rights, as well as rights to means of identification) and belong to the Company and (or) its affiliates or other right holders.

3.4. All trademarks displayed on the Website are property of the Company or its affiliates, unless otherwise indicated or unless such trademarks are otherwise perceived as the subject of rights of third parties. Any unauthorized use of such trademarks or other materials is strictly prohibited and is a violation of copyright, the law on trademarks or other industrial property rights.

3.4. The Website may contain links to other websites on the Internet (third-party websites). The Company is not responsible for the content of third-party websites that the User accesses when using the Website, their accessibility, or the consequences of their use by the User. A link to any website, product, service, or information of a third party posted on the Website is not an endorsement or recommendation of that website, product, service, or information by the Company.

3.5. The User understands and agrees that he or she must independently evaluate all risks associated with the use of the Website’s content, including evaluating the reliability, completeness or usefulness of the Website’s content.

4. Use of the Website, Its Individual Services and Functions

4.1. The possibility to use the Website, its individual services and functions is provided “as is”, without any warranties, either expressed or implied.

4.2. Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary, the information and content of the Website and the information provided as part of the use of individual services and functions of the Website (including responses to Users’ messages):

(1) are not intended and may not be used as medical advice;

(2) are not medical recommendations;

(3) may not serve as replacement for a consultation of a doctor;

(4) may not be used for self-diagnosis or self-treatment.

4.3. The User, by sending information about his or her private life in any form (document, data, question, suggestion, comment, etc.) through the Website, by his or her actions implied in sending this information, gives the Company consent to the collection, storage, processing and use of this information solely for the purpose of providing the most relevant response.

4.4. By sending information to the Company, the User guarantees that it is accurate and that it does not violate any rights of third parties associated with the transmitted information (including that there are no confidentiality arrangements with respect to that information).

4.5. The User shall use the Website, its individual services, functions and content exclusively for lawful, personal and non-commercial purposes in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation and this Agreement, moral principles and generally recognized values.

4.6. The User shall not:

- use any software or carry out any actions aimed at disrupting the normal functioning of the Company’s technical capacities and equipment or destabilizing the functioning of the Website or its individual services and functions, any attempts to gain unauthorized access to the operation of the Website or to those of its sections that only the Company is allowed to access, as well as any other actions that may be regarded as a network attack; disrupt the normal operation of the Website or its individual services and functions;

- send any text messages, graphic images or any other materials, the content of which is offensive to other Users or any other persons or may be regarded as such, which denigrate or may denigrate the honor and dignity of users or harm the business reputation of the Company, which contain threats or calls for violence, illegal acts, antisocial or immoral acts or for any other actions that go against the principles of public order and morality, which contain obscene words and expressions, which advertise (or promote) services of a sexual nature, which are pornographic materials or contain hypertext links to Internet sites containing such materials, which explain the procedure for the manufacture, administration or any other use of narcotic substances or their equivalents, explosives or any other weapons, which contain viruses or other computer codes, files or programs designed to disrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer or telecommunication equipment, or software, or to gain unauthorized access, as well as serial numbers of commercial software products or programs for their generation, logins, passwords or other means for obtaining unauthorized access to paid resources on the Internet, as well as any links to the information above;

- carry out any other actions that may harm the Company, third parties or Users, including impersonating another person or a representative of an organization and/or community without sufficient authorization, or mislead the Company or other Users about the attributes and characteristics of any subjects or objects.

5. Other Terms and Conditions

5.1. The Company carries out the routine operation of the Website (as well as its individual services and functions), determines the Website’s services, structure and appearance, and the list of data to be filled in when using individual services or functions.

5.2. The Company has the right to set restrictions on the use of the Website for all Users, including accessibility or non-accessibility of certain functions of the Website, the maximum number of messages that may be sent by the User within the framework of individual services, for example, the maximum size of a message, the maximum number of visits to the Website, and other restrictions.

5.3. The Company does not guarantee that the Website meets the User’s requirements or that the Website will be accessible at all times, quickly, reliably and error-free. The Parties agree that software and hardware errors, both on the Company’s side and on the User’s side, which make the Website inaccessible to the User, will be considered as force majeure circumstances and grounds for exemption from liability.

5.4. Any and all possible disputes arising from or related to this Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.5. Nothing in the Agreement shall be construed as the establishment of agency relations, partnership relations,  joint business relations, personal employment relations, or any other relations between the User and the Company not expressly provided for in the Agreement.

5.6. Inaction on the part of the Company in case of violation by any of the Users of the terms and conditions of the Agreement shall not deprive the Company of the right to take appropriate action at a later time to protect its interests and copyright to the Website materials protected by the law.

The User confirms that he or she has read all the clauses of this Agreement and unconditionally accepts them.

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