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Expert team publishes International Declaration after Open Innovations International Forum

22 March 2013

Moscow, Russia. March 21, 2013 - The panel consisting of the well-known venture capitalists, managers of the world-leading universities, market analysts, and representatives of Russian development institutes prepared the International Declaration on the Forum "Open Innovation 2012".

The team analysed the key challenges which may stimulate scientific and technological innovation with a maximal economic benefit. These include environmental issues, exhaustion of food resources, lack of clean water supply, pathogen resistance, low efficiency of urban infrastructure with the continued urbanization, and increasing probability of conflict on ethnic and religious grounds.

The memorandum denotes the key trends in technology-driven innovations and outlines the ways to make innovation ecosystem be more efficient at every level: homo innovatus, innovative corporation, innovative territories, national institutions and supranational environment. The memorandum also mentions digital world, power engineering, biotech and medicine, robot devices and smart systems, nanotechnology, and space as technologies that change the world and shape each nation’s unique competitive strengths. 

The group also identified the major issues which have to be resolved in Russia and in the world to promote innovative development at different levels. Those include "innovative people," innovative company, innovative territory, national and supranational institutions.

Summarizing the Forum plenary and section reports as well as the round-table discussion, the group formulated recommendations aimed at stimulating innovative development of Russian Federation.

The full list of recommendations can be found in the declaration of an international expert group on the forum:



About the forum and exhibition "Open Innovation"

Global discussion site - Forum "Open Innovation" - is devoted to the latest technologies and the international cooperation in the field of innovation. The event is aimed at predicting technological trends, defining the role of the innovation ecosystem in the global processes, and formation of the Russian and international agendas for innovation. The Forum is organized by the leading Russian development institutions - JSC "RUSNANO", JSC RVC Skolkovo Foundation, State Corporation "Bank of Foreign Economic Activity (Vnesheconombank)",Foundation for Promotion of Small Enterprises in Science and Technology (Bortnik Foundation), ASI “Agency for Strategic Initiatives to 
Promote New Projects” and the Moscow Government with the support of the Government of the Russian Federation. MIT Technology Review is a knowledge producer for the intellectual content of the Forum "Open Innovation 2013". The chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Forum is Vladislav Y. Surkov, the Deputy Prime Minister and the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Russian Federation.



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