Modernization of public health continues, Putin said

24 December 2013

Program to modernize the health care system in Russia is not completed , it lasts for decades to come , a program to support rural doctors must continue , Russian President Vladimir Putin . " And at the federal and regional levels of healthcare modernization program , designed for decades to come , it will not be canceled in these activities, from 460 billion ( RUR ) " , - Putin said Thursday at a conference ONF . 
He recalled that the funds allocated from the federal budget in the last two years to upgrade the technological base in medical institutions in the country. However, he did not specify what the funds will be allocated for this purpose in the coming years. 

Speaking about the program of support for young doctors working in rural areas in which they are paid 1 million rubles , the president called for its extension support provided by the regions . 

" I think you can think about how to continue the program as a whole. Not so great for other discussion topics money now , but works quite effectively . I think the government should reflect on the fact that the continuation of this program ," - he said.

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