23 January 2014
The president of Russia considers necessary to continue structural reforms of medicine, having excluded thus "formal, purely bureaucratic approaches". At meeting in New Ogaryovo the head of state declared that "the verified, reasonable decisions, continuous dialogue with citizens" here are necessary.
According to the president, among positive changes it should be noted increase of a salary of medics. “According to the set reference points, the salary of doctors and the average medical personnel raises: on doctors – plus of 36% of an average salary on economy (it at us for last year, by estimation, 29 thousand rubles a month made, among doctors – 39,5), at average medical staff the salary for 78%, younger – on 45” was raised, – the head of state told.
“Work on development of health care has to be certainly continued”, – the head of state declared. In his opinion, it is necessary to continue structural reforms, “to get rid of inefficient expenses, to optimize a network of hospitals and policlinics, at the expense of it to provide the further growth of salaries of medical workers, and the main thing, to increase quality of medical care”. However by optimization of a network of the budgetary medical institutions the verified, reasonable decisions, continuous and frank dialogue with citizens are necessary “, but the analysis has to be, eventually, sensible”. Thus the head of state emphasized – rigid control here is necessary from the federal and regional authorities for what “it is necessary to create clear and effective mechanisms of management of structural transformations to branches”.
Thus the Russian President emphasized that new quality of medicine assumes further strengthening of material base of medical institutions, creation of modern hospitals and policlinics. “It is obvious that simple inclusion of investment expenses in a compulsory health insurance tariff – quite risky, difficult business, it will lead to increase in loading at business and at citizens”, – Vladimir Putin considers.