New type of surgical complex being developed in Russia

15 July 2014

Marchmount Innovation News

NPTs Biotechnology, a spin-off of Russia’s Institute of Design and Technology Informatics, is working on what is believed to be a next-generation robotic complex for surgeries, the Skolkovo Foundation website  reported . 

The project team is said to have succeeded in developing a brand new kinematic manipulator based on parallel structure mechanisms, which helped make the new system more compact and accurate and less expensive, compared to existing analogs such as the da Vinci surgical system. 

This coming fall the young company wants to conduct a first series of animal tests. Dmitry Pushkar, a leading Russian urologist and surgeon, is leading the medical aspects of the effort. 

Last month, the Russian Trade Representative in Finland helped NPTs Biotechnology present the project to a wide circle of potential stakeholders from among Finnish investors and partners.
