Preparing to Launch: Navigating the road to PDUFA

02 November 2021


Whether you’ve been through it yourself or have only heard tales from co-workers, you may have heard that preparing for PDUFA as a marketer can be intimidating. The volume and pace at which you will work is unmatched, so what can you expect and how much of it can you actually plan for?

On average, the FDA approves approximately 20 drugs a year, and as a pharmaceutical marketing/advertising professional, there’s a good chance you’ll find yourself preparing for the herculean task of executing the campaigns that support the launch of a new drug. PDUFA (Prescription Drug User Fee Act) is an FDA process, and the culmination of months and sometimes years of hard work coming to an end. It’s when your broad strategy and detailed tactics go to work for patients, HCPs, and the brand. 

If you’re new to the industry or a launch, relax; no one expects you to know it all on your first go. Read up on the approval process and ask around internally at your agency to gain as much knowledge as you can from someone who’s been in your shoes before. Remember to lean on your teammates and learn along the way. After two consecutive launches, there are a few things I wish I knew beforehand that I plan to incorporate from Day 1 on my next go-around: 

Above all, have fun and enjoy your team. The road to launch is long, and the days can feel even longer. There’s no hiding that the launch grind is not always rainbows and butterflies and being honest about that can bring some levity to the situation, when needed. Trust and believe that your campaign will be successful. You’ll achieve brand KPIs and raise awareness all at once. 

When all is said and done, it is important to realize that you were a part of a team that built something to help reach patients in need. Remember to approach this time as fleeting, because it is - even if it doesn’t feel like it. When the dust settles, the campaign you created will live on (at least until LOE), even when your time with this team comes to an end.



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