NovaMedica is planning to create around 15 innovative nanotech-involved pharmaceutical products

18 June 2015

June 18, 2015, St. Petersburg -A Russian pharmaceutical company NovaMedica is planning to grow its R&D activities targeted at building a portfolio of proprietary nanotech-involving pharmaceutical products. This is what has been announced today by Vladimir Gurdus, General Manager at RMI Partners, managing company of NovaMedicw, at the Annual Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum during his panel discussion titled “Nanotechnologies – meeting the expectations?”

“The updated strategy of NovaMedica challenges the company with a range of big tasks of creating new products. In the next seven years we expect that our R&D department will develop up to 15 new pharmaceutical products. The most part of them will involve nanotechnologies,” said Vladimir Gurdus. “We are currently working on two such products – one of them is in the 1st phase of clinical trials. We have managed obtain unique physical and chemical properties for one of the active ingredients and develop a dosage form which had been a matter of different speculations for a decade but nobody could develop it up to now. We have already filed four patent applications for this project and are going to obtain more patents international patents because this product has a high export potential.”

In 2016, NovaMedica is planning to open its own R&D laboratory that will be supplying new pharmaceutical products involving nanotechnologies. In-house R&D facility will make drug development process more robust and independent from external contractors. This laboratory will be fitted with modern equipment providing capacities for pilot production serving the company’s ambitious goals.

According to Vladimir Gurducs, “Nanotechnologies is not something abstract idea but a practical field of science applied in various industries. And we at NovaMedica are also using them. Nanotechnologies are used to change chemical, physicochemical and biological properties of various substances. Nanotechnologies in pharmaceuticals may provide higher efficacy and safety. That is why NovaMedica is using nanotechnologies in our R&D. This is our input in development of nanotech industry in Russia.”

During the panel discussion “Nanotechnologies – meeting the expectations?” at the Annual Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum 2015, the participants asked and discussed such questions as whether Rusnano has breakthrough projects comparable with the best international examples, whether this new industry implements the achievement of Russian scientists, or whether Russian nanotech industry will survive in the current environment, what industry segments are using nanotechnologies and which ones are the most promising. 

Reference Information:

NovaMedica is a Russian pharmaceutical company established in 2012 by DRI Holdings Limited, a portfolio company of Domain Associates LLC, and Russian investment corporation RUSNANO, which implements government policy of fostering the development of hi-tech industries. The company’s strategy is aimed at localizing production of a wide range of new medicines and technologies in the Russian market, including screening and registration of new pharmaceuticals, and the creation of innovative GMP-standard manufacturing facilities. 

Full video of the panel discussion “Nanotechnologies – meeting the expectations?” is published at the website of the Annual Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum
